
Flentrop Orgelbouw

Organs for sale

Organs for sale

We regularly receive an organ for sale. This can be a house organ, church organ or chest organ. It is wonderful if such an organ is given a suitable place again.

Van Dam organ - 1904

Mechanical organ, newly built in 1904, with side playing. The original greenhouse was demolished in 1950. The interior of the organ is largely original, but needs to be restored.

The organ comes from the Oranjekerk, Amsterdam.
It is currently stored in Flentrop’s workshop.

Van Dam orgel Oranjekerk

Flentrop house organ - 1978

Flentrop huisorgel 1978

Flentrop house organ from 1978 with 3 registers. The shutters were painted by Han Koning with the story of the Westzijderkerk in Zaandam.

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